Saturday, November 6, 2010

Quick Hello!

Hello everyone, this will be really short because I am going out in 10mins but I felt really guilty that I havn't written in this like I said I would So for peace of mind I'll write a little bit about last week quickly.  SOrry, that means there are going to more typos than usual (if possible).  Anyhoooowww, so last week was actually quite stressful. Got given a tonne of homework and my first political economy essay which to say the least was exteremly difficult for me. Results on Tues - fingers crossed for a pass. Anyway, on Wednesday I went to Meersburg again because the weather was just far too beautiful to pass up.  So I took teh ferry over and just wandered around all the places that I hadnt explored yet. Oh the vineyards are so gorgeous and then I got a fairly large chocolate sundae at a cafe looking out over the lake to celebrate my being in Germany for a month only a few days before.  So that was a lovely day! The autumn colours are stunning here but with each day, more and more leaves are going and even though I'm finding it pretty warm, winter is definately coming, as seen by the christmas decorations already appearing. So yeah, spent the next part of the week frantically writing these essays and then gave myself a nice relaxing weekend. It was made even more relaxing because Monday was 'all saints day' - public holiday. So on Saturday I met Cristina from Romania and Chandni from England and we went on a lovely walk to Kreuzlingen (which I've mentioned before, teh neighbouring swiss town).  The weather was again nice so we sat outside and ate these gigantic swiss sausages and they used some coupons to get some drinks.  That night, Thorin came over and we celebrated his birthday with too much cake and vodka..and maybe some wine too.  I accidentally first mixed our drinks with vodka and water instead of limonade though which wasnt so delightful. Then we watched flight of the conchords :)

Ok I am off to a dinner party with some girls from Paris tonight and then maaayyybbeee some towning.  So I will continue this tomorrow or Monday. Hope Guy Fawkes was brilliant! Gutted I missed it. Also, I really hope all your exams are going well and the start of summer is bloody awesome! Till later, xox

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